Freedom and Democracy!

Tosca wrote:
Yay, Micah! A vote for Micah is a vote for freedom & democracy! (er, my mom said to change that to "a vote for a sweet and beyooootiful GSD," guess I got a little carried away there...

Micah Replies:
Dis must be from a beyooootiful GSD to say dis to me. If you vant to say freedom den dis is freedom. If you vant to say how you say dat vord de-moc-ra-cy, den it is dat vord you just said. If you vant Micah to come carry you away, de I come to your house and carry you away.
I go now, dis is Micah

Here is a poem dat I write for you Tosca:
I vill come and dance vith you in dis moonlight,
I vill bring guitar and sarandae you underd de stars.
Ve can go to vet and reposess your hip and take vacation
Den ve can go out and buy a car.

Den ve vill fly to da moon, ve vill fly to da moon,
Den ve vill fly to da moon, and dance over da stars,
Den ve vill fly to da moon, ve vill fly to da moon,
Den ve vill fly to da moon, and dance over da stars.

I go now, dis is Micah

Tosca wrote back:
Oh, swoon, there is chust zomething about dat Cherman accent! I would be the belle of the ball if I could dance - such handsome GSD guys! Ja, come carry me away, but not too far, Mom has to pay for my new hips for 5 years. If she doesn't pay up, they may repossess my hips.

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