The Last Call Memorial1987

Owner and Email address: Jackie E. Athey;
In Memory of Bar (Baron von Bar)
12/74 - 10/87
Cause: Euthanasia for degenerative myleopathy; originally misdiagnosed w/hip displaysia, he had excellent hips when Xrays were finally taken
Age: 12 yrs. 10 mos.
Sire: Bart
Dam: Diablo
Kennel name/breeder: BYB
Other known illnesses: flea allergy; several operations to remove fatty tumors, leaf tumors, and cysts; otherwise very healthy w/a cast iron stomach
My first GSD; I still miss him after all these years.

Owner/E-Mail: Margy Golant,
In Memory of: Cal (Scherzar's California Kid)
Year of Death: 1987
Cause: cancer
Age 4 years

The Last Call